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College of Computer Science
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-: Welcome to the College Environment :-
College of Computer Sciences (CCS) offers you a new environment, appropriate to the new age (21st Century) education. It's an environment with new premises, new infrastructures, new vision, new vigor and with new courses most useful for the growth of knowledge, personal and social skills and employ ability of every individual student. Development of individual student's mind, his/ her thought process, and serious effort of application of knowledge to the practices are the main thrusts of the study processes and academic efforts of this college.21st century is taking the world in the new direction. The business world, employment market and our country now hold new and higher expectations on the part of emerging batches of college students - graduates and post graduates. The college staff and management therefore, invite the students to join this college and its new appropriate and encouraging academic environments to make avowed and determined efforts to achieve maximum academic and career success.
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